Sunday, January 22, 2012

Valentine Pictures 2012 Take 1

 Valentine's Day Photo Shoot---Pre-Meltdowns & Chaos

Today we went to downtown Tyler to take Valentine's pictures with Rose Bailey.  There's a certain apprehension...very near anxiety, that occurs before photo shoots. There's a ton of preparation...from clothes fitting, snacks to pack, bribery food, spare clothes, wipes, props, etc. My husband will never fully appreciate all the energy that this truly consumes. Miracle of all miracles, we had it together today.  Noah, who is known for being uncooperative during photo shoots, was smiling, cooperative, and was doing a great job...until about 25 minutes into the shoot...we heard Rose say, "Oh no!" And she bolted to her minivan. This could not be good. And it wasn't the only time my kid was good for the camera was when she didn't have the memory card in the camera! SERIOUSLY! So, after Michael cursed a few words and we decided there was nothing to do but keep trying...we went on to Jackson.  Jackson had been up way to early this morning and was in complete meltdown mode. Rose even commented that she'd never seen him fussy. The high point was when I was doing take 2 of shots with Noah & Jackson got free from Michael's hand and then crashed head first on the cement. Now he had a big red goose egg on his head for pictures.  Which, let's be this point were a total waste of time. Jackson was crying. Noah was just done. Michael was cursing. Yeah, folks...really gets you in the LOVE spirit of Valentine's Day, right?  I managed to take a couple pics of Noah before all the chaos ensued.  This may be all we get. Rose offered to come back this week to try to get some more pictures, but we haven't set anything up yet. I'm still exhausted from today! Can't say Mama didn't try, can we?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! Sounds eventful, :) at least mama still has her sense of humor, love ya girl...hope this week is a better one.
