Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rebekah's Gift

I know that I won't get through this post without tears. I'm o.k. with that. I realize that in life, we don't remember days as much as moments. Well, a moment I want to remember is the enormous amount of gratitude I feel for my precious sister-in-law, Rebekah. "In-law," doesn't even apply to her as far as I'm concerned. She gave me the best gift any could give me when I was in the hospital. She offered to keep Noah so that I wouldn't have to worry about him or him feeling neglected. It also gave me precious time with Jackson. I took a picture of the thank you note I wrote her, because it's so important to me to remember the moment and the feelings of love & gratitude for sweet Rebekah. One day Noah & Jackson will read these words, as well. I want them each to fully understand how truly special their Aunt Rebekah is to our family...and what a loving & caring person she has always been. Love is a verb, indeed, my boys. Love is in our actions.

Dearest Rebekah,
There aren't enough words to thank you for the most amazing gift that you have given to me by keeping Noah these past several days. I have had so much anxiety and guilt about how this transition time in our family would impact my darling Noah. I even felt guilty going into labor because I had to leave him. I know that may sound crazy, but it's true. Your offering to take him lifted my anxiety and guilt because I knew he would be entertained, having fun, and he wouldn't feel as if he was set aside. It also gave me the precious time I so desperately needed to bond with Jackson, and feel that he wasn't being set aside either. If my mother were still alive, she would have understood this, and she would have been able to do this for me. But she's gone, and I felt like I lost her all over again. Then you so graciously stepped in. You will never know how your actions have helped me. You filled a void that only an amazing mother could understand. How blessed I am to have you. I thank you with my whole heart. My mother thanks you for being there for me the way she would have been if she could have been. I love you.
Brenda Joy"

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