Friday, November 30, 2012

Love us a verb...Christmas lights

Love is a Verb----Christmas lights.  We have a tall house---a house with tall peaks.  Last year we opted out of decorating the roof line as we had a one year old and a 3 year old.  This year, every time we passed a house in Hollytree that had the roof lined with icicle lights, Noah said, "I wish I had lights like that on our house."  So, without mentioning it to sweet husband worked extra hard to cram as many patients into his day each day this that he could have 1/2 a day off he could rent a ladder and line the treacherous rooftop with icicle lights.  He's a good man.

You have to look hard in some of the pictures to find Michael...kinda like Where's Waldo?  But if you look, you can spot him!

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1 comment:

  1. Wow. A good man and fearless. Those peaks are tall! I wanna see a nighttime pic with them all lit up now! Nice job, Michael.
