Sunday, August 1, 2010

Potty Training Day 4 Synopsis

Potty Training Day 4: NOAH DID GREAT!!! ONLY ONE pee pee accident ALL DAY---and it was early morning, after milk, while he was very into watching Sesame Street...he didn't even notice it came out until I told him and showed him the wet floor! I'm so proud of my little fella. I'm rather anxious about how tomorrow will go. Noah's sitter will be here all day, and I hope to goodness we don't regress, because this potty training business is exhausting! Here's how our day went today.
6:10 am- Noah awake. Went pee pee on Daddy's potty at 6:18 am. Great job!
Drank milk.
6:40 am- Pee pee accident on carpet. Lots of pee pee. Noah was watching Sesame Street and pee pee'd and didn't even know it, bless his little heart! He just drank a lot of milk and was so into the show, he didn't even notice until I showed him his underwear were wet. Sweet little honey.
7:15 am- Noah went pee pee on Daddy's potty...much encouragement, but he went.
7:45 am- Noah went pee pee on the potty with no problem.
Mommy left to work at hospital for just a little bit.
8:00 am- Noah ate eggs.
8:15 am- Noah went pee pee on the potty, but was fussy.
8:45 am- Noah went pee pee on the potty; brought his stuffed Elmo with him. Daddy said this helped. Then Noah & Daddy went for a tractor ride.
9:15 am- Noah went pee pee on the potty with Elmo.
9:55 am- Noah went pee pee on the potty with Elmo.
10:00 am- Cheerios
10:30 am- Pee pee on potty with Elmo; a little more fussy.
11:00 am- Pee pee on the potty, minimally fussy.
11:30 am- Pee pee on the potty, great job!
MOMMY HOME:) Lots of hugs for my great potty man!
12:00pm-3:30- LONG NAP!
3:50 pm- Noah said, "pee pee," and went pee pee on potty. Good job!
4:10 pm- Noah went pee pee on the potty, and then we went to Cindy's house for a visit. NOAH STAYED DRY THE WHOLE TIME:) EXCELLENT!
4:45 pm- Noah went pee pee on the potty. Super!
5:15 pm- Noah went pee pee on Daddy's potty. Great!
5:45 pm- Noah went pee pee on Daddy's potty again:)
6:15 pm- Noah said, "poo poo." Sat on the the potty but didn't make any poo, but made pee pee. Great job to notice you had to go!
We went to the rental house and Noah stayed dry the WHOLE TIME! AWESOME!
7:10 pm- We stopped at a church parking lot and went pee pee grasss, and then got ice cream as a prize.
7:45 pm- Last pee pee on the potty for the day! WHAT A GREAT DAY! NOAH, YOU'RE DOING SUPER, BUDDY! MOMMY & DADDY ARE SO PROUD OF YOU!

1 comment:

  1. Well it sounds to me like he got it! Good work, Mama and Daddy...and sweet Noah!
