Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mom

Dear Mom,
Today would have been your 65th birthday.  How can it be that you died at age 50 and that almost 15 years later, my heart still aches for you? It does. Most days are busy, but there's honestly not a day that goes by that I don't think of you, miss you, wish you were here. Oh, mom. How you'd adore these boys! They are amazing! I hurt that they will never know your sweetness and grace; that they never were soothed or rocked by your loving arms.  You would love Noah's fiery red hair; the exact same color of my hair when I was his age. I know you'd see so much of me in him.  And Jackson, Jackson is so much like you; an old soul full of grace. How I wish you were here to watch him toddle as he explores this new world.  And how I wish you were here to gently guide and encourage me, as I, too have my struggles in this crazy world.  My heart aches for you, especially hard today. But with tears streaming down my face, I know deep in my heart that I am blessed...for I had the world's greatest mother. You taught me how to love.  You taught me the importance of family and what matters most.  I know that we will have eternity to catch up, but until then, I hope I honor your life by choosing JOY today. That's my middle name you gave me, right? I miss you. Happy Birthday in Heaven.

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