Thursday, April 15, 2010

Park With Daddy & Mommy

Noah, Daddy, & Mommy went to the park tonight. Michael wanted to take Noah to a different park because Bergfeld was so busy. We went to the park by Pollard Methodist Church. Noah SO loves going to the park. He did great. He'd walk up to all the kids, and say, "Hi!" So cute. He waited his turn and was kind to others. He did great.

The one that didn't do so great was me....and Michael, if he's honest. I did discover a couple of things about myself tonight, that I'm going to have to navigate as my dear Noah gets older. I'm going to have some issues with the other kids, the other parents. You know the ones....those kids that are bullies, and the parents that witness it but are too busy smoking cigarettes to put shoes on their kids feet or set boundaries. I couldn't believe my eyes that 3 year olds were already being defiant (not developmentally-appropriate, but totally oblivious to adult redirection) and hateful. I furthermore couldn't believe that mothers would just watch it happen but ignore it for whatever poor excuse. Well, Michael and I didn't have any problem telling these kids to stop bullying and redirecting their misbehavior...right in front of the parents. It's just not in either one of us to let that stuff go. So, Michael was literally ON the playground equipment, and I was below...tag teaming the playground. It must have looked hilarious, but at least my kid was safe, and I can sleep tonight knowing that I didn't let little kids get victimized. I never thought I'd be one to say this, but I may be considering private school at some point...or Xanax, because this was difficult. My sweet Noah enjoying the big slide
And another slide

If you look closely, you can see Michael right behind Noah. He pretty much staked a claim to the area preceding the slide to keep kids in line. It was hilarious.


  1. Okay where is this cool playground? I wanna go! Seriously. (And I promise I will make Taylor wear shoes and be nice!) :) Sorry you had a rough experience, girl...but for what it's worth, there are lots of bullies at private schools too! (You KNOW I had to go there, right?!) Love you!

  2. I am glad you at least made attempts to control the situation. It take a village to raise a child! It's too bad the parents were too self-absorbed to notice what was going on.
