Sunday, November 5, 2017

Jackson's 7th birthday

My Jackson is something special; truly.  His birthday this year was something epic.  And he handled it all with a smile.  On his birthday, both he & Noah were in their baseball playoff game for the championship.  Michael coaches both teams.  The school called and said Annemarie had a fever and when I picked her up, my gut told me to take her to Urgent Care.  She began foaming at the mouth and had a seizure on the way to Urgent Care.  Most frightening thing ever.  Then she had another seizure at the emergency room.  Michael met me at Urgent Care with the boys and had to have his assistant coach for Jackson's team to pick the boys up, as Annemarie was unresponsive at times throughout this ordeal. FRIGHTENING.  Michael wasn't able to get to Jackson's game in time, but he and his team still won 1st place in 5 pitch.  This sweet boy got home late after Noah's game and didn't do cake and presents until almost 10:00 at night.  But he was a sweetheart and worried about his sister; even brought her home a toy frog.  I love you Jackson! Happy birthday, darling.

Poor Annemarie at home recovering after her traumatic medical day.

2nd place minors team! This guy's pitching got his team to the playoff game!

1st place 5 pitch team! Jackson caught the winning out! 

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