Saturday, May 19, 2012

Snapshots of Snow White Session

Mirror, Mirror...on the wall
Who's the cutest red-head of them all? Why Noah, of course!
Today we met Rose Bailey at the Athens Arboretum for a Snow White themed photo shoot.  She picked Noah to be the prince.  And, he was a PRINCE! Very little fussing, very photo shoot from hell. I never thought I'd say that based on history! Unfortunately, Jackson was up at 5:30 and we are weaning him to one nap...and he's just not a people person like Noah...thus he was a beast.  He was supposed to be dwarf.  He screamed if Michael even tried to put him down.  Much less wear a hat! So, we just let him skip the group pix, and poor Rose tried to get a picture of Jackson in the brief, 2 minutes his feet actually landed on the earth's ground and he didn't scream.  These are just a few pictures I was able to take in-between all that goes into getting a group of kiddos together.  It was fun and I know that Rose's pictures will be fab. 

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