Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Noah "feeds" Jackson- HILARIOUS

Tonight the funniest thing happened---and we have it on video camera & pictures, so Noah better be a good teenager one of these days because one day Noah will probably find it embarassing...but it was too cute not to capture! Noah held his hands up and said, "Noah feed Baby Jackson." Then he said, "I'll get the U pillow," (which is what he named the Boppy). He then wrapped the pillow around his waist, and said, "I feed with a boobie like this," as he grabbed his nipple. He continued to insist on "feeding" Jackson, so I gave Jackson to Noah & Noah "fed" his baby brother the way he has seen Mommy do it. Michael & I were cracking up! It was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time! Jackson was a good sport, and Noah thought he was pretty "beast" to be able to "feed his baby brother." Now THAT is something for the memory books!

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