Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Noah's 1st "Meet the Teacher"

Noah and I attended his first "Meet the Teacher" meeting for preschool year 2011-2012. His teacher's name is Miss Denise (Reed) and she was the teacher of the year last year. We decorated apples and brought Miss Denise apples for meet the teacher. She was so appreciative, and just fell in love with Noah. (Actually, she began getting to know Noah during the summer session while Noah played on the playground, so they'd already have a friendly relationship before the official "school" year started.") Miss Denise is easy-going, fun, and I instantly liked her. Noah got acquainted with his new classroom and met some new friends. He even sang the class "You are my sunshine," when some of the other parents and kids came through the class. He's not shy, that's for sure! Noah also received his first "homework" assignment, which was to be brought back the first day of school. Miss Denise gave him a piece of construction paper that we will use to make a collage featuring "All About Me." She will use each child's paper to construct a friendship train. Noah loves trains, so he'll be thrilled to see that all come together! Big day for my growing boy!

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