Noah started preschool October 5, 2010. Here are Mommy & Noah smiling in front of the inpatiens & Azaelas on our way to Noah's 1st day of preschool at Oak Tree Academy. Noah is 2 1/2 years old, and Mommy is 35 weeks pregnant with baby Jackson. Life is a changing! 
Girl, I am so out of touch!! I had no ideao that Noah was starting preschool!! I have only heard good things about Oak Tree Academy too - our friends had their little boy there til he went to kindergarten and were very happy. I am so glad you are too and it's no surprise that Noah is enjoying it so much. Social butterfly like MOmmy! Also, WOW - you look so great, girl!!! And the boys' baby books are awesome!! Miss you to much - thank goodness for blogs - I feel caught up a bit now! :) Love you all!