Today was Noah's 2nd day of preschool at Oak Tree Academy. He was very excited to go to school. I took Noah to go pee pee in his classroom as soon as we got there to familarize him again with his environment. He did great, and had no trouble settling down to start their first art project of the day while the other kids were entering the room. He said, "Bye Mommy," and I gave him a kiss after watching him a few minutes longer. I told the owners that I was going to go, and they said, "Call as many times as you need." I felt comforted by that, and only called to check on him once, and they said he was doing just fine. I came about 30 minutes before school was out to just observe. Noah was laughing, smiling, and eating lunch with his peers. Evidently he saw me a few times, and then he didn't, and that caused some tearfulness. Sorry, Angel. Mama's fault. It was time to go, and Noah was tearful when I came in. I reassured him everything was o.k. His teacher said that he did have a poo poo accident today, but that he went pee pee on the potty every time she took him. What did make me sad was when she told me that every time she took him to go potty, Noah kept tearfully asking, "Mommy do it." But he did let his teacher help him. She said, "But he was just sad about that." I told Michael that we will need to keep reiterating to Noah that at home Mommy & Daddy help him go potty, but at school his teacher will help him. Oh, it's hard letting go! We'll get through it, though, and it'll teach Noah to be more flexible, and that's a good thing. His teacher said that he did perfect the rest of the day. Had no troubles transitioning, walking in line, or anything. She said he even sat down and listened during circle time, which neither one of us thought he would do yet. So, all in all, a successful 2nd day. Good job Noah.

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