Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Baby-On-The-Way...It's a BOY!
This is the story of how we officially learned we were having another son. My friend was supposed to keep Noah, but she got her days mixed up so I just took Noah with me to the Dr.'s office. He was quite excited, and was saying, "Doctor. Belly," all the way to the office. Unfortunately, the dr.'s office was the most crowded I've ever seen. There was literally ONE parking place and NO places to sit in the waiting room. The FIRST hour was o.k. Noah entertained everyone in the lobby by giving high 5's, saying, "How you?" and even doing forward rolls on the carpet. However, there was only one sonographer that day, and Michael became increasingly irritated, and left to go see a patient. Not a good moment. Noah became increasingly upset and we wound up in my car watching videos for another 40 minutes while we waited. Michael came back just as it was time for our appointment. Noah, again, was excited about going to the doctor, until the sonographer took us into a little, dark room. Noah didn't want any part of that room, but we didn't have any choice, so we pretty much forced him to enter. During the next 30 minutes, Noah proceeded to throw the biggest public fit of his, thus far, 2 year & 4 month old life. He was screaming, kept trying to leave the room, and I couldn't even hear the sonographer telling me what was going on with the baby. She'd say, "This is the spine. Looks..." And that's all I could hear because the noise of my screaming son was so loud. By the way, the spine looked good she said. Nothing worked. Not the magic iphone, treats, nothing. At that point, we'd been at the Dr.'s office for 2 hours and he was just DONE and to make matters worse, it was nap time, too. Noah proceeded to hit Michael and then was put in time out DURING the sonogram...THREE TIMES! During this 3rd time out, the sonographer said, "Do you see that?" Michael said, "That must mean you see something, right?" The sonographer proclaimed, "It's a boy!" as Noah was in time out and screaming. I looked at the ceiling and prayed for God to somehow give me the strength to get through the rest of the appointment. It's not that I was surprised we were having another boy. It was that the moment that I was OFFICIALLY told the news, my eldest son was throwing the biggest fit ever, and I didn't know how I'd possibly have the strength to do this with two! When I got home, I vented to a couple of friends, and decided to do some maladaptive coping with some cookie cake and then sleep it off with a nap. I decided after that, I'd get it together and everything would be fine. And it was. I guess God is just going to surround me with handsome boys and have me be the princess of the house.
Here are the goods. Definite boy parts. Throughout the sonogram, the sonographer said, "He sure is trying to make sure that I see that he's a boy!"
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