Noah's hair. Oh how I love his hair. We all have something about ourselves that distinguishes us from the rest of the crowd. Noah has plenty of those characteristics...but his HAIR is one of the biggest. In a few more years, red heads will be extinct! How sad.
I've been noticing that his hair is starting to bother him, specifically, his ears, where the hair hangs down a lot. Michael has been after me to cut it for a while.
But I love his curls...OH THOSE PRECIOUS CURLS!. Tonight at bath time, I decided to just take a look and officially document my precious boy's long, beautiful, curly red hair. My happy place is gazing at those copper locks.

Look how long....some people even say, "Oh what a pretty little girl!" (I think that's just because Noah is so pretty!) Hello people---he wears BOY clothes...except in this pic, of course!

This look says, "What are you up to, Mommy?!"
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