Today was the first day of the Great Getaway Camp for cancer survivors. I normally am excited about this event, but to be perfectly honest, today felt challenging for me to get in the spirit. I must say, my mood was sour to start, BUT thanks to my good buddy Mary Beth, my mood quickly sweetened. There's something about a real friend---someone who knows all about you...and loves you anyway, that is so healing to the heart.

Me & my friend Sandy, who LITERALLY pulls this whole camp together.

My dear friend, Patty, who last year at this time was barely diagnosed...and this year...SURVIVING & THRIVING!

The Domestic Diva, AKA Mary Beth, showing off her homemade herbs!

Mary Beth did a GREAT job making an award-winning salad & making enough for ALL the staff and campers! What a gal!
Awww thanks, girl! You made my afternoon more fun too...want me to whisper sweet spoonerisms in your ear next time I see you?? :) Love you!