Friday, March 5, 2010

Visit to Grampa & Oma's House

It was a beautiful day out today, & I wanted to get Noah away from Michael since Michael is so sick, so we went to visit Grampa & Oma. Grampa has lots of land, a big pond, & lots of fun things to explore. Noah had the time of his life! He fed the fish (which were huge!), took a long walk outside, and even walked across a shallow part of lake on a beam with Grampa. Michael would've freaked out so it's good he wasn't there. Grampa showed Noah some great dirt that he could throw in the pond...but when it came time to come back, Noah refused, so my dad had to walk across the beam with a fighting 2 year old. After my dad got 1/2 way across, Noah calmed down & made it across but I was sweating it for a few seconds!

Grampa, Noah, & Oma walk to the pond.

Feeding the fish

Grampa kept laughing because Noah was eating the bread.

Made it across the beam...


Grampa carrying Noah back to Mommy...after he turned him upside down Noah laughed & walked the rest. You can see where I get my balance/athletic skills dad is in his 60's and walking over water...on a thin beam...with a squirmy (heavy!) 2 year old...and never missed a beat!
Home stretch...


What a super fun day!!! We love you Grampa & Oma!!!

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