I love you, Sweet Noah Angel.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
1st Waterhose fun of the Spring
I love you, Sweet Noah Angel.
Ahhh, Spring Tulips!
Spring is my favorite time of year! I love to get outside and dig in the dirt, plant, and create. Michael loves it, too. We become total "project babies" in the Springtime & live as much outdoors as we can. Today I got my window boxes planted with petunias and geraniums, and spent some time digging in the dirt. I've got some tulips blooming in some pots and looking at them makes me so happy. 
Tyler Azalea 10K
I ran in the Tyler Azalea 10K this past Saturday. Since I'm pregnant, I couldn't push myself & had to try to go slow and not overheat. Susie ran it with me and it was her 1st 10K so I'm really proud of her. Time was 1 hour 1 minute. Not the greatest, not the worst. I'm mostly proud of Susie & my friends Mary Beth & Christine who completely got out of their comfort zones & also ran. Good job ladies! 
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Noah & The Easter Bunny
Noah visited the Easter Bunny briefly after the Easter Egg hunt...key word briefly. The Easter Bunny lifted him up, put him in his lap, Noah said, "Hi," and then Noah had enough & jumped down! Not the cuddly pics I was hoping for, but Noah is 2 & this is just where we're at right now!
Noah & Easter Bunny
Easter Egg Hunt
Today was ETMC's Easter Egg Hunt. What a time is all I can say! We hunted Easter eggs, and even found the golden egg! (Thanks for the tip, Mary Beth...planner extraordinaire!) Noah got a special prize, not that he noticed. He was just pumped to run free. We got to see some of our good friends & enjoy the afternoon. I will say, though, that I'll be glad when I don't have to chase Noah everywhere. He is a busy body!
Noah & the Easter Bunny
Playing in the field
Friday, March 26, 2010
Noah & Daddy...2 of a kind
Noah & Daddy are quite a pair. It doesn't matter how tired or overworked Michael is, he ALWAYS makes special time each day for his Noah. Michael came home Friday with fruit for me and a big tray of cupcakes. I said, "What's this?" He answered, "I got it for Noah." Daddy sure loves his boy, and Noah loves his Daddy right back! They are 2 of a kind indeed!
Saying HI before heading out for a tractor ride
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Alice In Wonderland Photo Shoot
Sweet Michael
I've been increasingly fatigued with this 1st trimester pregnancy, and I usually go to bed before Michael. When I come to tell him good night, he says, "Ok. I'll be right in to tuck you in." I love that.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Easter Preview Pics
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Hungry, hungry hippos!
Happy Birthday Grampa!
Today both my sisters & their families met us to celebrate my dad's birthday. We arrived just as Dad did, so it was nice to have a little quiet time with him before the other 5 cousins arrived. As always, time with Grampa is MOST SPECIAL! Grampa loves his family, and we LOVE HIM! We brought him a John Deere tractor cake because Grampa loves tractors.
Happy Birthday Grampa!
Grampa kisses Noah! Grampa's hair used to be just as red!
We tried to get a picture with Grampa & all his grandchildren, but Noah was overtired and threw a fit, so I just picked him up. Getting this many young children together for a picture at naptime is beyond difficult!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Mrs. Lee's Daffodil Gardens
What a day!!! I called Susie this morning & asked her if she wanted to brave Mrs. Lee's Daffodil Gardens with me today. It's going to rain and get cold again, and I wanted to see the garden while it was still in bloom. There are no words. It is BREATHTAKING! East Texas DOES have so much to offer! Unfortunately, when we arrived, I witnessed NOAH'S BIGGEST FIT TO DATE....He ran to the daffodils, just in heaven, and a staff worker angrily came up to us and yelled at us to get out of the flowers. He's 2! Needless to say, that didn't go over well, and I paid for it! Luckily, we discovered that if you SKIP the 1st area of flowers, there are plenty more areas NOT guarded by mean old men that don't understand the developmental stages of toddlers!! So THESE are the pics from our WONDERFUL time! Take the time to witness the beauty. Noah loved running up the hills with his cousins. Here's just a sample of pics from our wonderful day!
Just look how beautiful!
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