Sunday, September 22, 2013

Saying Yes

It has been too long since I've written a saying yes post. Stuff happens. Life happens. Things get in the way as we ride the roller coaster of life.  Then one thing leads to another and details fall through the cracks...details like, oh, I don't know...WHO AM I? WHERE DID I GO?!?
That's the honest truth of it, folks. So no long story, no woe is me...but it is time to refocus...despite the 90 to nothing pace of my life right now.  So, here it goes. 
The short list:
This week I'm saying yes to:
~First and foremost my God.  I know this sounds bad...but the past few weeks, I've been so tired that I caught myself going into a deep coma at night before I even took time to pray and thank God for my blessings.  Between our trip to Florida, juggling 2 jobs and 2 kids, and Michael's traveling to Austin several times in the last month on the weekends, I've been beat. So, God, please forgive me.
~I'm saying yes to prayer.
~I'm saying yes to my husband and my precious sons. NOTHING is more important.
~I'm saying yes to early morning runs and getting my fat ass in shape again, as I've fallen off the wagon.  Hell, let's be honest. The wagon ran me over. I'm UNDER the wagon.
~On that much as I dread writing it...and as much as I dread doing it...I'm saying yes to registering for the Tyler Half Marathon. It's only 3 weeks away from today. I've trained NONE...unless binging on carbs counts as training.  Is that insane? Maybe. Will I be slow? Most definitely. Will I finish...even if I have to walk the 13.1 miles? Yes.  I will.  I can & I will.
~I'm saying yes to grace, a free gift God gives us.
~I'm saying yes to BEING the change I wish to see in others.
~I'm saying yes to trying to be patient, and waiting on God's timing.
~I'm saying yes to faith, hope, and love.
~YES to crisp fall air and the excitement of boot season!
~YES to Jackson's 3rd birthday party planning.
~I'm saying yes to trying to grow, and accept that I don't always have it all together...YES to working on my insecurities, because yes, I have them, too!
~YES to not letting my insecurities steal my joy.
~YES to hugs from the sweetest boys in the world.
~YES to Halloween decorations and pumpkins galore.
~Yes to appreciation. Yes to gratitude. Yes to complaining less and trying to focus on the positive.
~YES to feel the fear and do it anyway.
~I'm saying yes to PROGRESS, NOT PERFECTION.  I am but a work in progress.

What are YOU saying yes to this day?

1 comment:

  1. oh YES!!! I have missed your posts in general but especially your YES! posts!! These are my favorite...inspirational and positive - just like you. Hope life slows down a bit for you soon and that you are well...take care of YOURSELF a bit while yoiu are busy taking care of others - K? Love you!!
