Our little piece of heaven
Sometimes I get so busy in the hustle and bustle of life...I don't stop...look around...take a deep breath and realize just how BLESSED I truly am. Take, for instance, my wonderful neighborhood. I literally live with a small lake in my backyard, complete with a walking trail around the lake. Any day of the week...my boys and I can literally get away from it all by taking in God's beauty with a nature walk around our little lake. This year, Jackson is big enough to walk all the way around the lake by himself. I love to watch him explore. He & Noah each found their own walking sticks and were precious as can be today...as we enjoyed the beautiful fall weather and took in God's beauty. As we made the turn around the lake, I noticed a burnt orange shirt (my husband, the Longhorn). Daddy came to meet us around the trail. Immediately when Noah saw Michael, he sprinted toward him. Jackson soon followed, just as fast as his little feet could pedal. It was so heartwarming to see my boys run to their daddy...their hero. And THESE are the moments that I need to focus on...need to breathe in...when the boys are screaming, the house is a mess, and I myself losing patience and appreciation for my blessings. Moments like these.

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