I spoke with a park worker, & got a head's up that 150 kids from Bell Elementary would be arriving at 9:30, so we got in the car JUST as the school buses drove up.
We went to Wal-Mart & got some deals on beach towels($4) & shirts for Noah ($1. 50!)
We even got a special new train show, as Noah is really getting into trains. Oh yeah, I bought him chocolate, too. Like his Mama, Noah loves chocolate. This morning, he kept saying, "Chocol." That's how Noah says chocolate. He kept on and on. Well, in a rare event, I ran out, so we picked up some more chocolate at Wal-Mart, too!
As if that wasn't enough, we went to Sonic & got some food. Then I noticed quite a find---Sonic's playground! It's safe, closed in, and really quite nice. There's shade for the parents, and NO ONE was there...no school buses full of big kids, no emotionally disturbed bullies-in-training, no riff raff. Just me & my Noah. Unfortunately, my camera battery was depleted, so I have no pics, but I highly recommend that playground.
After we got hot, we headed home & watched our new Thomas the Train show & BOTH napped! What a great morning!! I love just spending time with my favorite guy!!!
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