Poor Noah...still sick. Poor Mommy, so tired. I took Noah to Toys R' Us today for fun Elmo toys to brighten his mood because Michael has been gone since Wednesday and we haven't been able to go outside because the temps have been the lowest they've been in a decade! Noah liked his prizes but did NOT like letting go of his prize in order for me to get him in his carseat. The biggest fit to date ensued. It literally took me 10-15 minutes to get him in his carseat because he was wretching so wildly. Had I been @ the psych hospital, it would've been a documented restraint. I just had to laugh or I would've cried as all the passers-by whispered and tried not to stare. They probably thought I was awful for laughing when my child was screaming at the top of his lungs. It would've looked worse if I would've started screaming & flailing about, as well...not that I didn't feel like it! So, I took a picture with my phone to document the fun! Check out his hair from all the flailing. (Yes, I lowered the latches...I had to pull extra strap length out to compensate for the wretching...then quickly latch the harness. It was so loose he got out 2 times before I could lower the latch! Gracious! Spicy red head.)

Despite my continued efforts, little angel was just incredibly fussy all day. We're both sleep deprived. Daddy is home so I'm off to bed! I'm Hopeful that tomorrow is a better day.
Brenda Joy McBride
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