Noah & I trick-or-treat at Gay Gay's house.
We knew that Halloween was going to be a little difficult due to the fact that Noah hates to wear clothes right now. Even when we just put on regular clothes, he immediately fusses, yanks at his clothes, and says," OFF!" So, add in a big costume with a hood, and we knew it would be a challenge. The Morales family had friends at their place and invited us to come by. Michael was moving some furniture until 5:30, and we were supposed to be at the Morales home by 6:00 pm. Of course, Noah wasn't dressed, we weren't packed, & Michael still needed to shower. And he then added in that he promised Gay Gay that we'd stop by her house AND we had to be home by 7:00 to watch the Texas game. I'm all for Texas. Go longhorns. BUT IT'S HALLOWEEN! It's ONCE A YEAR! Hello---isn't making memories with your child more important than a football game? The answer for me is an emphatic YES. Isn't that the reason God made DVR's? He explained to me that "it wouldn't be the same" if he taped it. We had to agree to disagree on that one. Noah did surprisingly well at the Morales house, but we had to leave early and that was disappointing to me. When we put on his full costume, he immediately began trying to rip it off, yelling, "OFF! OFF!" I managed to be hyper and distracting long enough to get him to the house so that Gay Gay could see him. We spent some time playing with Gay Gay & the dogs & even met the neighbors. Noah had a good time (after we took the costume off, of course) and was more-than-ready for bed. Happy 2nd Halloween to my favorite little tiger. LOVE YOU!