Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Noah's 1st Library Trip

Today was Noah's 1st trip to the Tyler Library. I thought it would be a fun activity on a hot summer day. I haven't been to a public library in years, and evidently, I forgot one thing...they are quiet places! (Or they are supposed to be, anyway). As soon as we arrived in the children's section, Noah was thrilled. He was smiling, laughing, and running around the library. There were stuffed animals, chairs, kids, shelves, elevators...who needed books? Most people were kind and chuckled when they saw me trying to wrangle my red-headed toddler, as if they were thinking "Oh, I've been there, sister." However, there were a few folks who would scowl at Noah and give me "the look." You know the look, right? The one that quietly but sternly conveys disapproval that your child is not a robot. We just smiled and kept running. Noah found a large stuffed Tigger which he knows as a tiger. Well, in our house, tigers say, "RRRRAAAHH!" And that's just what Noah did. Over & over at the top of his lungs. I just had to laugh. Then we saw the cows. Same story, except with a loud "Moooooo!" time after time. Of course, all along I'm trying to take pictures, carry the ginormous diaper bag, keep him from tearing the place apart, and fill out paperwork for our library card. A bag of M&M's spilled out of my bag & left about 100 pieces of chocolate, candy-coated treats on the floor in the process. Noah dived to the floor and was eating them off the floor as fast as he could. Meanwhile, I'm trying to scurry up the illegal M&M's (no food allowed) from the floor & throw them in my bag. Let's just say that we were not inconspicuous! I was determined to get books for us to read, although that seemed like it was the last thing on my son's mind. I grabbed 3 books from a bin & we checked out. I confessed to the librarian about our M&M disaster, and she was kind and chuckled. It may not have been what I envisioned as our first trip to the library, but it sure was fun! Thank goodness I had the foresight to (once) not wear my high heels!

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