Last day of 2014~ New Year's Eve at McBride Castle

Noah says, "It's TIME for the countdown!"
Age 6----almost 7!

Brotherly love.  How can you not love these two?

Annemarie & Mommy bundled up to watch the boys do their fireworks. 

It doesn't look like much of a show from this picture, but it was not bad for Canal Street.

And everything is better with a Jedi sword fight, right?!?
Sweet Jackson---4 year old.

Annemarie's 1st New Year's Eve- December 31, 2015
2 Months old
My baby girl was pretty tired for New Year's Eve festivities, but she hung in there like a trooper!
She is without a doubt, my biggest surprise blessing of 2014!
  Happy 1st New Year's Eve, Sweet Sunshine Girl! We love you!

New Year's Eve~December 31, 2014

My whole life...right here.
 December 31, 2014
What a crazy, CRAZY year! I couldn't have believed in a million years that at age 40, I'd be surprised with a baby girl! I couldn't believe that she'd be everything I never knew I always needed.  She makes our family the most complete. She's healed me in many ways I never fully knew I needed to be healed.  So, welcome to our family, Annemarie Grace, and Happy New Year to you! We are spending our New Year's Eve at home with a little family party.
Even though it is just our party of 5 this year...and will NOT be a late night---I still decorated for the kiddos.  You can't tell from these pictures, as Jackson looks pretty miserable---but the boys had fun popping firecrackers and eating cupcakes.  I'm hopeful for the joy the 2015 is sure to bring! I'm blessed...BLESSED!

Sunday, December 28, 2014


My sweet Santa Baby-
Two months old & smiling away.

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Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Eve candlelight service

Christmas Eve service 2014-
Annemarie was baptized by Grampa tonight, & Annemarie got to experience her 1st candlelight service. What a special night!

Jackson & Daddy

Annemarie & Mommy
(Noah sat with Aunt Denise)

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Wednesday, December 24, 2014