Friday, October 31, 2014

Annemarie's 1st Halloween

Annemarie's 1st Halloween

She was so tiny...costumes weren't an option. But we did find a Halloween tu tu and a witch headband that did the trick...not that there's anything witchy about this precious angel!
Happy 1st Halloween, my darling!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Jackson's 4th birthday invitation

Jackson loves all things transportation right now---planes, trains, & trucks. So we decided on a transportation party for his 4th birthday. Could he BE any cuter?

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Brand new baby girl


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Saturday, October 25, 2014

17 day old Annemarie


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Friday, October 24, 2014

My Boys Halloween Pic

This as good as I got to getting "Halloween" pictures this year. Not very Halloween, I know! We took a couple snapshots of the boys with these pumpkins during our maternity session before Annemarie was born (which was only a few days before she was born!) So, this will have to do for this year! They still are cute! Love my boys!

Sweet Noah

Sweet Noah surprised me with flowers today. He has a heart of gold. Thank you, sweet Noah!!! This means so much to Mommy!

Sweetest boy!

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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Noah's game ball

Today was a special day for my Noah. He was awarded the game ball by his coach after his game. Look at his sweet face beaming. Although it was super- difficult for me to make it to & through his game with a brand new baby sister...I'm glad I did. And Noah, Mommy is always proud if you... Not because of WHAT you do...but because of WHO you are. Love you.

Daddy, Paw Paw, Noah, & Annemarie with the game winning ball.

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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

My cute baby girl

This sweet baby girl traveled to watch Noah play baseball today. What an angel. She was perfect! How did I get so lucky? I am in love with Annemarie Grace.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Annemarie's 1st smile

Thank God for cell phones...or I wouldn't have caught a picture of Annemarie's 1st smile! And this beautiful smile melted my heart!

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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Annemarie @ 6 days

My precious baby girl us now 6 days old. I watch her in awe. We are so bonded...mother & daughter. I can't help but remember that it was this day 17 years ago that I lost my mother to cancer. Oh how I wish she could hold her youngest granddaughter in her arms...feel her soft touch, smell her sweet baby smell. But so much of Annemarie IS my mother...not just her name. But her spirit, her resilience, & her strength. We love you, Mom. 💗

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