Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012

Goodbye 2012~
I have been abundantly blessed with my precious boys...Michael, Noah, and Jackson.
I have been abundantly blessed with family and friends that love me...flaws and all.
I'm blessed that my family & I are healthy.
I survived my neck imploding and neck surgery.
I survived transitioning Jackson into Montessori school.
I continued to strive for balance in 2012...something I will continue to work on in 2013.
I am still not organized, despite my strong desire to "have it all together!"
I've been challenged and failed.  I've been challenged and succeeded.  Through it all...I've been challenged and grown.  And isn't that's what life is all about? 
One thing is for sure. 2013 is going to be challenging.  I'm sure I'll be challenged and fail.  I'm sure I'll be challenged and succeed.  But I will grow.  Here's to the process & another year of blessings!

My favorite moment NYE 2012

This has to be one of my favorite last moments of 2012....
Just before the boys were getting ready for bed, I got out some champagne flutes and taught the boys how to toast saying "cheers." They were so cute!! Jackson said "cheers" for the first time.  (Actually, it sounded more like "chiss" but it was so cute!)  The boys kept clinging their glasses to mine, saying "cheers" over and over. And, by the way...they just had orange juice in their glasses! Mine was orange juice and a little champagne.  But, I must was a PERFECT moment. Sometimes we have these perfect moments...those moments I just want to freeze and replay for all eternity.  This was one of those.
CHEERS, my darlings! Happy New Year to my loves!!

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Noah's last pictures of 2012

Mommy & Noah

Noah's last pictures of 2012-
My Noah...4 (almost 5) years old...the life of EVERY party...EVERY day...enthusiastic...JOY PERSONIFIED! Love you Noah!

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Congratulations John & Jenny!!!

It turned out to be the best New Year's Eve we've had in a long, long time! Two reasons why New Year's Eve was so much fun are located on the lovely faces of my two new friends (pictured here), John Hardy and Jenny Calvert. I was lucky enough to meet John, (a big shot attorney and computer aficionado among other things) through my dealings with Drug Court, as he is lucky enough to represent some of the winners that I assess. And lucky for me, I met Jenny, (a brilliant and beautiful pediatrician) through John. John had been telling me that he was possibly going to surprise me with a visit on New Year's Eve, but I also had knowledge that he was possibly going to propose on New Year's Eve... so I wasn't going to hold my breath waiting for him to arrive, as I expected him to be newly engaged. Sure enough, as I sat about in my pajamas at 9:00 PM, I received a phone call from my newfound friend, asking me if I could see the lake and sky from my back porch. About 10 minutes later, a large and loud fire cracker... personally sent for me, exploded over the lake! Fireworks shot out just for ME!!! WOW!!! Does it get any better than that?! Turns out, it does. John and Jenny came inside and delivered the good news that they indeed had gotten engaged this New Year's Eve! We invited them to come on in, and I busted out really bad pink Moscoto champagne... & we spent the evening laughing and telling old stories, which was so much fun! I honestly can't remember the last time I had a better New Year's Eve! Unplanned, non-pretentious, wonderful fun! Love, love, love our new friends!
Congratulations John and Jenny!!!

My Jackson...the last day of 2012

Mommy & Jackson

Jackson & Daddy

Here's my precious Jackson...the last day of 2012.
2 years old...talking up a storm...sweet...delicious...precious little love!

Friday, December 28, 2012

My curls are not on

While getting ready for church the other day, Noah glanced in my mirror and exclaimed, "Mommy, my curls are not on!! I have to fix them!"

He then proceeded to spray his hair with water & brushed his hair...& the curls emerged!
The things he says crack me up!!

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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Noah says

Both my boys just love to be naked! Noah has a funny little nighttime ritual, no lie. He says, "Mommy, Ma'am...may I please be naked, Ma'am?"
True story. I may have to save this quote for his wedding. How I love my boys!

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Sunrise view

Sunrise at our house this morning...absolutely beautiful.  Sometimes I am in awe of the blessings in my life.  To awaken to this view...blessed.

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Christmas tree on Christmas morning 2012

The boys also got a big wheel and a play kitchen...and lots of other toys!

Santa brought Noah a new bike

Santa brought Jackson a fancy tricycle

Our Christmas Tree Christmas Morning 2012~
Santa came! My children are NOTORIOUS for waking up early just about every 5 or 6 am early.  So Daddy & I were AMAZED that the boys SLEPT IN on Christmas morning. Jackson woke up at 7 and Noah woke up at 8:30...which is the latest he has EVER slept in his life! The good news is that I was able to take pictures of the tree in the light before being demolished by well as pictures of the boys seeing the tree for the first time after Santa had come! Merry Christmas my boys! Mama loves you!

Christmas tree ready

Santa was VERY busy at our house this year! My boys have been GOOD!
I didn't want to wake the boys by turning on all the lights after Santa came, so I just snapped these pix with my iPhone at about 2 am Christmas morning...when all was set up.  (So forgive the poor quality!) But Santa sure tried to create a little Christmas magic for Noah & Jackson.
Merry Christmas!

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Monday, December 24, 2012

Candlelight Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at St. John Lutheran Church---
We have a terrible history of being sick on Christmas Eve! This year...a Christmas miracle...EVERYONE WAS WELL! We traveled to Athens for the Christmas Eve service and Michael and I were stunned that the boys did as well as they did! BOTH boys actually stayed IN THE PEW with us the whole service...which, when you have a 2 year old and a 4 year near miraculous. When it was time to light the candles, Jackson thought it would be funny to blow out his candle.  So he did.  We tried to (discreetly) borrow Noah's flame from his candle to re-light our candle.  Jax blew it out again. And again. AND AGAIN! At this point, there was NOTHING DISCREET about Jackson's little game...but we made it through the service and that was a Christmas present in itself!
I was so happy when I saw that Michael snapped these pictures with my phone.  Priceless.
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